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We would like to welcome you to our website, we hope it gives you a flavour of our school and answers any questions you may have. If you have any further questions please use the contact information to get in touch.

Jigsaw is a Pupil Referral Unit for primary aged children. Pupils attending Jigsaw will have a social, emotional and/or behavioural difficulty which is becoming a barrier to their learning.

Jigsaw aims to provide support for pupils to help them develop skills and strategies to make progress in mainstream education.  Whilst addressing Social, emotional and mental health needs, Jigsaw provides a broad and balanced curriculum to support pupils’ academic needs and progress.

Together with partners agencies, parents and the local authority, we aim to create learning environments that are innovative, motivational and impactful on children's lives. We will strive to do this by developing personalised plans that are relevant to each child, that inspire them to want to learn more and that encourage them to become lifelong learners.  Our aim is to inspire every young person to acquire the knowledge, skills and experience necessary, both inside and outside the classroom environment, to fulfil their true potential. By developing self-esteem, confidence and resiliency we aim to prepare our pupils for life back in their identified educational setting.

Jigsaw provides a short term intervention, resulting in the pupil returning to mainstream education. Where this is not possible or appropriate, Jigsaw aims to support pupils whilst a suitable educational setting is identified.

Places at Jigsaw come through the Fair Access Panel ( or Monitoring and Placement in the case of permanent exclusion).  If your child’s school wishes to access a place at Jigsaw, they would complete the appropriate form and submit it to the Fair Access Panel, which meets fortnightly. The panel will review the application and the referring school will be contacted shortly afterwards.

Jigsaw is a single storey building with three classrooms, a teaching kitchen, a Hall an office area, and 2 enclosed playgrounds and a Key Stage 1 play area. Each classroom has access to a smaller kitchen area and has smaller ‘break away’ spaces for group/intervention work.

Mission Statement

To provide a safe, secure learning environment where all pupils can fulfil their potential.

The Jigsaw Way

I am a valued member of the Jigsaw community

At Jigsaw:

I work well and challenge myself

I am kind to everyone

I am part of a “can do” school

I treat myself, others and property with respect

I am taking steps to independence

I am responsible for my own actions


Jigsaw is an alternative provision within Sefton for pupils whose behaviour within a mainstream school has led to them being at increased risk of exclusion, or who have been permanently excluded.

Our provision seeks to help children address and overcome social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, which may for some have led to academic underachievement.

It is our intention to support and facilitate the successful reintegration of pupils into their host schools or transition to an appropriate, alternative provision.


Staff at Jigsaw endeavour to:-

  • Prepare pupils for re-integration into their sending school or an alternative mainstream school, or an alternative educational provision which can better meet their individual needs
  • Develop skills for life
  • Raise self esteem
  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own actions
  • Develop positive relationships with all within the unit
  • Support pupils by identifying strengths and barriers to learning
  • Establish a caring and supportive ethos in an atmosphere of mutual respect
  • Promote pupils’ emotional health and wellbeing
  • Enable pupils to achieve their best in all areas of the curriculum
  • Promote tolerance and understanding of other people’s needs and differences